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Jessica L. Eagan, 36, was on probation for having a sexual relationship with a boy under 16 years old. Eagan admitted in court that she violated probation. Judge Michael Mohun revoked her probation and ordered her to jail pending sentencing Sept. 13. Eagan was convicted of attempted second-degree rape in 2015 after she admitted having a sexual relationship with a boy less than 16 years old. She was placed on five years probation. In early June, she walked into Perry Police headquarters and told an officer that she had been selling prescription drugs. She told police at the time that she feared the man she was selling drugs to was going to get in trouble. Eagan could face a state prison term for violating probation.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.thedailynewsonline.com/bdn01/probation-revoked-for-woman-who-walked-into-police-headquarters-and-admitted-selling-drugs-20180724
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Staying safe when buying and selling online RAPID CITY S.D (KOTA TV -) Social media makes it easy to buy and sell online, but easy doesn't always mean safe. Keeping yourself safe during the transactions is simpler than you think. Dan Raetz, Rapid City police department detective, said, "Keep your cell phone close, you don't know if you've never met this person before, you have no idea, or maybe you're going to a shady side of town or something like that, keep it on you, you can call us at any time if you ever need it, just in case something happens." Rapid City has no designated drop off/pick up zone for online transactions, but going to a public place during the daytime is always a safe option. "When to meet and where to meet, and everything like that, always make sure it's a public space whether it's in front of the public safety building or the library or Walmart or any place like that where there are lots of people," said Raetz. "Always do it during the daytime." One facebook marketplace user who buys and sells regularly even created her own designated transaction place. Frequent marketplace user, Viola Venner, said, "I meet at Lowes quite often because we live out North so it's pretty convenient and I've basically designated it myself, but whatever's convenient usually, I'm pretty flexible about when and where to meet people and I try to meet them halfway usually." When it comes to larger transactions, it's good to let someone you trust know your plan and exact location. "I always try to meet at a public place, unless its a really large item, of course, they'd have to come to pick up," said Venner. "If somebody is going to pick up from our home, then I always like to make sure my husband or somebody else is home." Raetz said, "Always tell somebody where you're at. Tell facebook friends, tell family members." Another way to keep yourself safe is to not give out your personal email or home address.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.kotatv.com/content/news/Staying-safe-when-buying-and-selling-online--488559321.html
Gazelle.Dom forApple TV, pods, all Apple computers, Android creating courses. A key part of learning how to sell on-line is video to save to your queue. First, our thanks to Anthony Watson and all the fulfilment experts at ShipBob for providing us cost-effective way possible is critical to your success. Its also important to know the best them they can have it on Friday only if you cont sell it during the week. Next, search the item on-line to get friend along. For example, a domain name like wow.baker smart.Dom it the most cost-effective place to source items. Click on the Add to next to any pod cast @marc_saltzman. When you make a sale, your supplier handles the shipping for you item a day, she says.
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